Adopting My name is Walter. I was born on August 18, 2021 with 7 other siblings. I am by far the cutest boy in my opinion as I am the fluffiest black dog with white paws. I love doing everything at my own pace. I eat slow. I am a pretty chilled boy. Mother is...
Adopting Svea is a black female with white on all four of her paws. She was born on August 18th weighing .90lbs. She is a chilled puppy who has no problem playing independently from her siblings.Mother is a small, chocolate colored German Shepherd Cross who weighs...
Adopting Hi. I’m Todd. I was born on August 18, 2021 with 7 other siblings. I started off average in size but I am not the biggest in the litter. I am unique. I am the only brown boy. I also have short hair where my siblings have longer hair. I am...
Adopting Harley is a sweet, well adjusted female. She came into this world on August 18, 2021 weighing .88lbs. Mother is a small, chocolate colored German Shepherd Cross who weighs 35 lbs. We are unsure who dad is although we suspect on the bigger size. On My 8week...
Adopting Myla is the only brown female in the group. She came into the world on August 18th weighing .88lbs. She is a pretty independent little girl. Mother is a small, chocolate colored German Shepherd Cross who weighs 35 lbs. We are unsure who dad is although we...
Adopting Loki is the runt of the litter and came into this world on August 18th weighing in at .46lbs. He is still the little guy but that doesn’t stop him. He is feisty and is not afraid to venture off and explore. Mother is a small, chocolate colored...