She is one of the grocery store litters.  She was born on February 21, 2024 with 3 siblings.  Her mother is a mastiff and her father is a husky.  Metro is a very sweet pup.  She loves to cuddle.  She is pee pad trained and is working on being house trained.


Adopting Name ​ Gemma A Gem is a Precious Stone, that represents Luck, Energy & Long Life. Gemma, is a 6 year old King size Malamute.  Her family loves her dearly, but recently life has thrown them an unexpected curve ball. Their first child has been diagnosed...


Happy Tails Playful and energetic. Can be a little cautious at first but warms up to you quickly. Loves playing with...

London Fog (adopted

Adopting Sweet and friendly. Loves attention and to be around people. Cries when she can’t see you. Gets along well with other cats. Adoption...


Adopting   This sweet puppy is a husky/Shepherd Cross.  He is only 8 months old.  Although I don’t usually comment a lot about how we get dogs into our care, I am going to make an exception.  This dog was physically attacked by his owner.  Yes, Authorities are...

Miss Cheddar

Adopting   This little one was removed from her mom too young.  Her owner that she had was feeding her cheese.  😉 She is only 6 weeks old and is a DLH.  She came into care on February 2, 2022. Once she is vetted she will be up for adoption Adoption...