
Adopting Sienne Meet Sienne She is a blue grey dmh feline. She is also sweet and cuddly. She is about 8 months old. If you are interested in adding Sienne to your family please apply at Adoption...


Adopting Cookie Introducing Cookie Cookie is a dmh feline who is approximately 8 months. She has a 8 week old baby named Scout. Cookie is loving and cuddly. If you wish to apply please go to Adoption...


Adopting Scout Meet Scout This is a female DMH 8 week old kitten. She is very friendly and playful. If you are interested in adopting Scout please apply at Adoption...


Adopting Pickles Introducing Pickles She was found abandoned behind a garbage bin. She is an 8 month old dsh feline with beautiful two toned grey bangle like colouring. She is very playful and funny. If you wish to apply for Pickles please go to Adoption...

Timone and Jay Jay

Adopting Timone – 7-8 y.o. Domestic long hair orange. Male neutered. Up to date. Always well groomed. Food – Urinary food from vet – large bag lasts both cats about 1 1/2 month . Cost is $140. Most of his teeth are removed. He has a re occurring UTI...