Dog Respite Care

Dog Respite Care
Murillo Mutts Respite Refuge is passionate about keeping animals together with their families.
Respite means, “to relieve temporarily, especially from anything distressing or trying; give an interval of relief from” Our goal is to relieve the owner of the stress associated with having to surrender their animal while they are in crisis by providing an alternative solution. We will care for the animal until the they are able to resume responsibility for them again.
Rehoming is a very stressful experience for animals. To minimize their anxiety, depression, and stress we provide ongoing opportunities for the animal to see it’s owner until such time that they can be reunited again. Part of minimizing that stress is to have a full understanding as to the temperament and individual needs of an animal.
To be considered for Respite Care with Murillo Mutts the following criteria must be met
- The owner MUST be in crisis
- Special consideration given to:
- Individuals displaced due to Domestic Violence
- Individuals in hospital with no family to assist
- Individuals seeking a personal growth program
- A questionnaire must be completed
- The animal Must be up to date on vaccinations or the owner is willing to pay for vaccinations
- Must sign a respite agreement
- All food must be provided by owner
- All vet care while in the stay of Murillo Mutts Respite Refuge must be the responsibility of the owner
- All food must be provided by owner
- Special consideration given to:
The Owner understands that Murillo Mutts is not an adoption agency. If The Owner fails to retrieve their Animal(s)
and does not make “appropriate arrangements for their animal to be placed elsewhere, upon notification to the owner, daily boarding fees of $50/day will be incurred until such time that the Animal(s) are adopted out or placed
with another rescue. Abandoning an animal is a criminal offense and Murillo Mutts Reserves the right to contact
Animal Welfare to charge The Owner with Abandonment. Additionally, a mandatory $250 surrender fee will be
attached to the account.
Murillo Mutts understands that from time to time any fees will cause undue hardship to The Owner. Murillo Mutts
reserves the right to charge or not charge for services. All financial agreements must be in writing and signed by
all parties.
Current standard fees are $200/month/dog