Adopting Meet Ambush, a New Zealand rabbit. He is approximately 2 years old. He came in for Respite care and his owner did not come back for him. He is a well socialized bunny. He does not mind being handled and even picked up. He comes to you for attention. As this...
Happy Tails Fanny is a terrier cross. She is also approximately 7 years old. Fanny can be very cuddly but she can also be a drama queen especially if you try and pick her up. Fanny has a slight limp on her right front leg. This is just the way she was built and does...
Happy Tails Tonka is approximately 5 years old and is a Shih Tzu. This little boy lost his eye but is hasn’t changed any of his personality. He is happiest cuddled up to his favourite person or playing tug with one of the other dogs. He likes to play solo as...
Happy Tails This boy is approximately 5-7 years old. He is a shihtzu but he is solid. He is an independent boy who also loves cuddles. He is quiet and enjoys watching the world from the back of the couch. Mutsie gets along with other dogs. Although not aggressive...
Happy Tails This little sweetie is approximately 3 years old and is a Pekingese. Bear can be very playful and likes to growl while she plays. She also likes to be cuddly. Bear is fine with other dogs, both large and small, and is fine with cats. She would make a...
Happy Tails Toby is a very calm, quiet, timid little guy. He loves to snuggle, enjoys enrichment activities, eats like a champ and is just so sweet! He chooses to sit off in the corner or hid when there is too much noise or chaos, but will take all of the human...