

Meet Izzy
Izzy came to us as she was exhibiting Territorial Behaviours in the home. The families health did not allow for them to work on what was necessary for successful behavioural modification.
Izzy is 7 years old. She is great with other dogs both big and small. She has been in my home Since August 21st. Izzy is smart and funny and absolutely loves toys. We have worked hard on introducing Izzy to new visitors to the home. We have not had a single incident of reactivty using this process. Since being here, she has adapted well to cats.
Izzy would do well in any home although her preference would be to be the only dog in the house. She can display resource guarding with other dogs. However due to previous issues we would not adopt Izzy to a home with children under 12 as safety is paramount. The potential adopter needs to understand this breed. They are usually well behaved, adaptable, and comfortable companions with an affectionate nature and even disposition; generally active, alert, and playful, but not unduly boisterous. It is in their nature to be protective. She is not a barker but at times, she does let out a low howl when she is lonely. Ongoing training and following our process for introductions is a MUST.
French Bulldogs are very popular due to their erect “bat like” ears, large square head and heavy wrinkles around their short nose. I must say, we have had a few French Bulldogs in rescue and she is the healthiest one I have personally dealt with. As Izzy has a smooth short coat, she won’t require professional grooming but her wrinkles in on her face need to be cleaned often. Izzy does shed but it is minimal. The life expectancy for a Frenchie is 10-12 years. Izzy is not a fan of having her nails cut and I recommend the nail course through @pawsitively social canine adventures.