Forever In Our Hearts

Today, April 21, 2023 was not a good day. We had to Euthanize Nobel the pig. Nobel was born in Vancouver in September 2019. He was adopted by a family. When they were unable to care for him they brought Nobel out to our Sanctuary in 2021. As luck would have it, one of our volunteers Maddy fell in love with Nobel and adopted him. Nobel started off by becoming itchy. We changed his bedding to paper. Then he started to loose function in his back legs. Maddy continued to find a solution to the problem and sought three different vets. Xrays did not show anything and the medication wasn’t helping. Dr. Dan came out on Wednesday and after seeing Nobel he recommended euthanasia. Nobel was struggling even going to the bathroom. Although it broke Maddy’s heart she did not want her pig in pain so she made the hard decision to euthanize him. I want to thank all of the volunteers who looked after Nobel, Dr. Dan and Trista for making the time in their already overloaded schedule to humanely euthanize Nobel. Mostly, I want to thank Maddy for adopting him and loving him until the end. We will surely miss you running in the fields, getting into the neighbours garden and all of your funny antics.