
Oh yes. It’s time! Now accepting applications for Bernard, the St. Bernard. He is best suited to a home with children 12 and up.
Is your home lacking in entertainment? Are you struggling with finding reasons to get off the couch? Well lucky for you, I can fix that.
First, I was born on February 11, 2022. I am a St. Bernard/Newfie cross. I am reddish-brown in colour, but I do have a little black running through my fur. I currently weight in at. I am vaccinated (age appropriate) and microchipped.
What do you know about Newfoundlands and St. Bernards? What I can tell you is these are both giant breeds. That means when I grow up, I could be between 64-82kg. My life expectancy is between 8-10 years. We are very trainable, gentle, and sweet-tempered. For a puppy, my foster mom says I am chilled.
At times, she calls me a land shark. That’s because I am constantly trying to bite my humans or their clothes. I am learning that this is not allowed but I still try to get away with it when I can.
My foster mom has taught me that if I want to be petted and given attention I must sit on my bum. I am so smart that she hasn’t even had to ask me anymore. I know exactly what she wants, and I do it because I sometimes get a tasty treat too. I am food motivated.
I really want to play with the cats. I want to chase them and lick them. This is also not allowed. Usually when I try to get the cats, they call my name and I come running. Again, it sometimes means I might get a tasty treat.
When I first came into my foster home, I had tummy trouble. Now, I have been cleared. However, my foster mom thinks that I will have sensitivities to food and possible food allergies. Apparently all this means is it might be expensive to feed me what I need to eat.
Besides chewing on everything I love to be outside in the snow. The other day when the fresh snow came, I crawled my way through all of it. I like to sleep outside in the snow, but my foster mommy makes me come in. She says that if I am doing this as a young pup, I will probably enjoy being outside most of the time. This doesn’t mean I want to be an exclusively outside dog, it just means that I am looking for a home with a fenced yard and lots of property. I love my walks and sniffing new and exciting things.
When I need to go to bed, I go in my crate. Sometimes I still cry for a minute or two but then I settle in with my toy or chewy. During the day if my foster mom can’t be home, she puts on music. For some reason it always makes me fall asleep. I still can’t get through the night without getting up to go outside but I am going longer all the time. When I must go it’s like now! I go to the door, and I am let outside. I only have a few accidents in the house, but I blame the humans for not paying attention.
I like car rides but usually I just put my head down and go to sleep. I am too little to jump in the car or on the furniture either.
Well? I know I sound perfect. That’s because I am!
As a rescue, we want to try and do our best to decrease the pet population. Normally, every animal is spayed/neutered prior to going to their forever home. We will not be neutering Bernard before he is adopted. There will be a very strict contract regarding my adopter’s responsibility in this regard. Additionally, we are going to mandate training as he will be a very strong dog. We have already approached a Positive reinforcement, force free and fear free certified trainer to aid in the process.
Is your home lacking in entertainment? Are you struggling with finding reasons to get off the couch? Well lucky for you, I can fix that.
First, I was born on February 11, 2022. I am a St. Bernard/Newfie cross. I am reddish-brown in colour, but I do have a little black running through my fur. I currently weight in at. I am vaccinated (age appropriate) and microchipped.
What do you know about Newfoundlands and St. Bernards? What I can tell you is these are both giant breeds. That means when I grow up, I could be between 64-82kg. My life expectancy is between 8-10 years. We are very trainable, gentle, and sweet-tempered. For a puppy, my foster mom says I am chilled.
At times, she calls me a land shark. That’s because I am constantly trying to bite my humans or their clothes. I am learning that this is not allowed but I still try to get away with it when I can.
My foster mom has taught me that if I want to be petted and given attention I must sit on my bum. I am so smart that she hasn’t even had to ask me anymore. I know exactly what she wants, and I do it because I sometimes get a tasty treat too. I am food motivated.
I really want to play with the cats. I want to chase them and lick them. This is also not allowed. Usually when I try to get the cats, they call my name and I come running. Again, it sometimes means I might get a tasty treat.
When I first came into my foster home, I had tummy trouble. Now, I have been cleared. However, my foster mom thinks that I will have sensitivities to food and possible food allergies. Apparently all this means is it might be expensive to feed me what I need to eat.
Besides chewing on everything I love to be outside in the snow. The other day when the fresh snow came, I crawled my way through all of it. I like to sleep outside in the snow, but my foster mommy makes me come in. She says that if I am doing this as a young pup, I will probably enjoy being outside most of the time. This doesn’t mean I want to be an exclusively outside dog, it just means that I am looking for a home with a fenced yard and lots of property. I love my walks and sniffing new and exciting things.
When I need to go to bed, I go in my crate. Sometimes I still cry for a minute or two but then I settle in with my toy or chewy. During the day if my foster mom can’t be home, she puts on music. For some reason it always makes me fall asleep. I still can’t get through the night without getting up to go outside but I am going longer all the time. When I must go it’s like now! I go to the door, and I am let outside. I only have a few accidents in the house, but I blame the humans for not paying attention.
I like car rides but usually I just put my head down and go to sleep. I am too little to jump in the car or on the furniture either.
Well? I know I sound perfect. That’s because I am!
As a rescue, we want to try and do our best to decrease the pet population. Normally, every animal is spayed/neutered prior to going to their forever home. We will not be neutering Bernard before he is adopted. There will be a very strict contract regarding my adopter’s responsibility in this regard. Additionally, we are going to mandate training as he will be a very strong dog. We have already approached a Positive reinforcement, force free and fear free certified trainer to aid in the process.