
Hi! I’m Aurora but everyone calls me Rory or Roro! I’ve been with my foster family for a month now and have learned so many things! I love to go for walks and have just learnt to walk like a big girl on my leash. I don’t walk my foster mom or pull on my leash anymore( ok sometimes) but it’s WAY better. I do tend to get cold but do really well with a warm coat. I sleep all night from 10-7 and will let you know when I need to go out potty during the day. if no one is around I stand at the door and bark a little to let you know.
I’m not really fond of my crate but don’t chew on anything other than my toys when left alone during the day. My foster family leaves my toys in the crate and I’m slowly getting used to being in there. I am hard on my toys though and like to chew them to bits. So the plush toys don’t stand a chance.
I love to be loved and if you even hint that I can get up on the couch or climb into bed. I am there for you curled up and wanting to be pet or have my ears scratched. My foster mom has been introducing me to the doggy bed and I lay at her feet all evening hoping she will invite me on the couch.
I love the kids and love spending time with them playing fetch and hanging out. Sometimes I get excited and jump on them when they get home but they’ve been telling me NO firmly and I’m getting better. I love a sleeping companion and being covered with a blanket.
I have just been eating dog food but I will look at you sadly for human food. I love cheesies. They are my favourite. I will do anything for a treat and can sit and lay on command. I am great at catching snacks in my mouth if you toss them my way.
I would do best in an active home. I am a little scared of starting cars, joggers and other dogs but warm up to them quickly. My foster family is slowly trying to make me be more social and introduce me to new situations. With positive reinforcement and LOTS of treats I am slowly coming into my own.
I’m a really quick learner and will make a wonderful addition to someone’s family.
I forgot about the cat….. I have a foster sister that’s a cat. I want to play with her but she’s always mean to me. I haven’t retaliated and I think with time we could learn to be friends.